Dr. Parviz Dolati
Specialist Neurological Surgeon
- Head, Department of Neurosurgery, operative Cerebrovascular/Endovascular surgery, Zulekha Hospital Dubai, April 2020.
- Head, Department of Neurosurgery, operative Cerebrovascular/Endovascular surgery, Golsar Hospital, Guilan Iran, July 2016 – March 2020.
- Attending Neurosurgeon, VA West Roxbury, Boston University School of Medicine, October 2015-June 2016, Boston, USA.
- Assistant Professor,Guilan University of Medical Sciences 2000-2007.
- Research committee advisor, Guilan University of Medical Sciences 2000-2007.
Cerebrovascular microsurgery:
- Intracranial hemorrhages
- Acute Strokes
- Brain Aneurysms and subarachnoid Hemorrhages.
- Arteriovenous Malformations
- Congenital Cerebrovascular Diseases
- Cavernous Hemangioma.
- Cerebral Venous Anomalies
- Dural Arteriovenous Fistula
- Endartrectomy for Carotid Artery Stenosis
Endovascular management of cerebrovascular diseases:
- Diagnostic Cerebral Angiography.
- Endovascular management of acute stroke
- Coiling of Brain Aneurysms
- Embolization of Brain AVMs.
- Angioplasty and Stenting of Carotid Artery Stenosis
- Angioplasty of Vasospasms subsequent to SAH
- Embolization of Dural AV fistula
- Intracarnial arteria stenting
- Treatmentvof Giant Brain Aneurysms by Pipeline Flow Diverting Stents
- Embolization for Nose bleed
- Endovascular management of Congenital vascular malformations
Surgical management of acute stroke cases:
- Emergency Diagnostic cerebral angiography
- Emergency removal of clot from occluded blood vesssel, called thrombectomy in cases of acute stroke, using Solitaire stent and other up-to date technologies.
- Venous sinus thrombectomy
- Ballon angioplasty for vasospasm
- Angioplasty and stenting for Carotid artery stenosis
- Endovascular management of Arterial dissections.
Brain tumor surgery:
- Meningioma
- Benign and Malignant Brain Gliomas
- Skull base tumors
- Metastatic Brain Tumors
- Navigated brain biopsy
- Trans-Sphenoidal approach to pituitary adenomas
- trans-cranial approach to pituitary adenomas.
- Scalp and Skull tumors.
Medical and surgical management of spinal diseases:
- Non surgical and Surgical Management of cervical, thoracic and lumbar disc diseases
- Anterior and Posterior approaches for disc surgeries.
- Decompressive laminectomy for spinal Canal Stenosis
- Surgical treatment of lumbar Spondilolysis and listheis.
- Instrumented fixation of traumatic spinal injuries and spinal cord repair.
- Assisting to spinal cord injured patients.
- Surgical treatment of spinal canal and sinal column tumors.
- Surgical management of Syringomyelia
- Decompressive laminectomy for Chiari Malformation.
- Surgical management of spinal infections and abscess.
- All anterior and posterior spinal Fusions.
- Synthetic cervical and lumbar disc replacement
Navigational brain and spinal surgeries:
- Harvard Certification for BrainLab Navigation system.
- Harvard Certification for Stryker Navigation system.
- Board of Neurosurgery in Tehran, Iran.
- Residency in Neurosurgery from Shahid Beheshti University, Shohada ye Tajrish Hospital, Tehran, Iran.
- M.D Degree from Guilan University of Medical sciences, Guilan, Iran.
Advanced Educations:
Clinical Fellowships:
- Image Guided Neurosurgery in Neuro-oncology, BWH (AMIGO), Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA, July 01, 2013- June 30, 2014.
- Combined Endovascular and Operative Neurovascular Surgery, BIDMC, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA, July 01, 2014- June 30, 2015.
- Open Cerebrovascular, University of Calgary, Canada, July 2012-June 2013.
- Neuro-Endovascular/Interventional Neuroradiology, University of Calgary, Canada, July 2011-June 2012.
- Neuro-Endovascular/Interventional Neuroradiology, University of Calgary, Canada, July 2010-June 2011.
- Complex Spine Surgery and Scoliosis, Sunnybrook HSC, Sick kids Hospital, St. Michael and TWH, University of Toronto, July 2009-June 2010.
- Neurotrauma and ICU, Sunnybrook HSC, University of Toronto, March 01, 2009- June 30, 2009.
- Canadian neurological science federation (cnsf), march 2016
- Society of minimally invasive spine surgery (smiss), march, 2016
- North american spine society (nass), marsh 2016
- Massachusetts medical society july 2013
- Congress of neurological surgeons (cns) since july 2014
- American association of neurological surgeons (aans), july 2009 to present, as aans fellow
- Aans/cns joint cerebrovascular section, active member, since 2013
- American academy of neurology (aan), 2006 to present
- College of physicians and surgeons of ontario, canada (cpso), from jan. 2009- june 2010.
- College of physicians and surgeons of alberta (cpsa), canada, from may 2010.
- Iranian association of neurosurgery, 2001 to present
- Iranian association of spine surgery, 2002 to present
- Board of directors, guilan neurological surgeons, 2005-2007
- Dr. Dolati has over 20 years of experience in neurosurgery, including 300-500 major surgeries per year and management of over 30,000 outpatient cases at the university and private clinics and hospitals.
- He carries special experiences in management of patients with traumatic brain or spinal injuries. He has also done special courses of neuro-icu from university of toronto.
- He has extensive experience in instrumentation and surgical stabilization of the spine, experiences in the surgical and non- surgical management of degenerative and traumatic spinal injuries, and spine and spinal cord tumors and spinal vascular malformations.
- Seven years of experience in the endovascular treatment of aneurysms, avms, davfs, carotid stenosis (carotid angioplasty and stenting) and other cerebral and spinal vascular abnormalities.
- Experienced in endovascular management of patients with acute stroke (using solitaire stent, penumbra)
- Advanced study of skull base surgery, international neuroscience institute of professor madjid samii and professor fahlbusch, hannover, germany, 2006
- Clinical experiences in neuro-navigation, brain lab, stryker iplannet, imri, fmri, 3d slicer.
- 20 years of experiences in research and teaching medical students, iran, university of toronto and university of calgary and harvard medical school.
Other Qualifications
- Navigated spinal instrumentation clinical fellowship, va boston, july 1 2015-october 2015.
- Clinical experience in gama knife radiosurgery, with dr. Michael schwartz at toronto western h, since march 2009 to june 2010, university of toronto.
- Clinical experiences in linac/novalis radiosurgery for brain avms, with dr. J. Wong, calgary 2010-2012.
- Observership, vascular, grand rounds, halifax, ns, 2008.
- Clinical observership, complex skull base surgery, international neuroscience institute of professor madjid samii, hannover, germany, 2006.
- Toefl exam, ibt, passed, december 2008.
- Medical council of canada qualifying part-i examination, passed, june 2008.
- Medical council of canada evaluating exam, passed, may 2007.
- Usmle exams, step1, step 2ck, step 2cs step 3; passed, 2011- 2013.
- Ecfmg certificate, may 1, 2012.
- License to practice neurosurgery, iran, october 2000.
- Neurosurgery board examination, iran, september 2000.
- License to practice general medicine, iran, september 1995
Research and publications:
Dr. Dolati has been involved in many researches and publications, some of them are mentioned bellow:
- Olubiyi OI, Ozdemir A, Incerkera F, Dolati P, Tie Y, Hsu L, Santagata S, Chen Z, Rigolo L, Golby AJ. Intra-Operative Magnetic Resonance Imaging In Intracranial Glioma Resection: A Single Center Retrospective Blinded Volumetric Study. World Neurosurg. 2015 Apr 30. pii: S1878-8750(15)00473-8. doi: 0.1016/j.wneu.2015.04.044. PMID:25937354
- 2-Dolati P, Ogilvy CS. Treatment of posterior inferior cerebellar artery aneurysms: microsurgery or endovascular? An enigma yet to be addressed! World Neurosurg. 2015 May;83(5):727-9. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2015.01.017. Epub 2015 Feb 11. No abstract available. PMID:25681602
- 3-Salem MM, Fusco MR, Dolati P, Reddy AS, Gross BA, Ogilvy CS, Thomas AJ. Middle meningeal artery arising from the basilar artery.J Cerebrovasc Endovasc Neurosurg. 2014 Dec;16(4):364-7. doi: 10.7461/jcen.2014.16.4.364. Epub 2014 Dec 30.PMID: 25599045
- 4-Dolati P, Ogilvy CS. Distal posterior inferior cerebellar artery aneurysm: a mysterious course, historical controversies!World Neurosurg. 2015 May; 83(5):754-5. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2014.10.008. Epub 2014 Oct 16. No abstract available. PMID:25463418
- 5-Lama S, Dolati P, Sutherland GR. Controversy in the management of lenticulostriate artery dissecting aneurysm: a case report and review of the literature. World Neurosurg. 2014 Feb;81(2):441.e1-7. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2012.12.006. Epub 2012 Dec 12. PMID:23246740
- 6-Dolati P, Sutherland G, Wong J, Hudon M, Goyal M. Distal anterior choroidal artery aneurysm following iatrogenic posterior cerebral artery occlusion : a case report and review of literature. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2012 Jan;154(1):53-7. doi: 0.1007/s00701-011-1208-x. Epub 2011 Nov 9. Review. PMID:22068715
- 7-Mashayekhi F, Shafiee G, Kazemi M, and Dolati P.Lumbar disk degeneration disease and aggrecan gene polymorphism in northern Iran. Biochem Genet. 2010 Aug;48(7-8):684-9. doi: 10.1007/s10528-010-9350-3. Epub 2010 May 23. PMID:20496110
- 8-Dolati P1, Eichberg D2, Wong JH3, Goyal M3. The Utility of Dual-Energy Computed Tomographic Angiography for the Evaluation of Brain Aneurysms After Surgical Clipping: A Prospective Study. World Neurosurg. 2015 Jun 23. pii: S1878-8750(15)00775-5. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2015.06.027. [Epub ahead of print]
- 9-Dolati P, Pittman D, Morrish WF, Wong J, Sutherland GR.The Frequency of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage from Very Small Cerebral Aneurysms (< 5 mm): A Population-Based Study. Cureus. 2015 Jun 18;7(6):e279. doi: 10.7759/cureus.279. eCollection 2015 Jun.PMID: 26180703.
- 10-Dolati P1, Golby A2, Eichberg D2, Abolfotoh M2, Dunn IF2, Mukundan S3, Hulou MM2, Al-Mefty O2. Pre-operative image-based segmentation of the cranial nerves and blood vessels in microvascular decompression: Can we prevent unnecessary explorations? Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2015 Dec;139:159-65. doi: 10.1016/j.clineuro.2015.10.006. Epub 2015 Oct 13. PMID:26476700
- 11- Dolati P, Gokoglu A, Eichberg D, Zamani A, Golby A, Al-Mefty O. Multimodal navigated skull base tumor resection using image-based vascular and cranial nerve segmentation: A prospective pilot study.Surg Neurol Int. 2015 Nov 19;6:172. doi: 10.4103/2152-7806.170023. eCollection 2015. PMID:26674155
- 12-Dolati P1, Golby A2, Eichberg D2, Abolfotoh M2, Dunn IF2, Mukundan S3, Hulou MM2, Al-Mefty O2. Pre-operative image-based segmentation of the cranial nerves and blood vessels in microvascular decompression: Can we prevent unnecessary explorations? Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2015 Dec;139:159-65. doi: 10.1016/j.clineuro.2015.10.006. Epub 2015 Oct 13.
- 13-MacDonald ME, Dolati P, Mitha AP, Wong JH, Frayne R. Flow and pressure measurements in aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations with phase contrast MR imaging. Magn Reson Imaging. 2016 Nov; 34(9):1322-1328. doi: 10.1016/j.mri.2016.07.007. PMID:27469312 Salem M, Dolati P, Fusco MR, Ogilvy CS, Thomas AJ. Abnormal Large Central Occipital Emissary Vein: A Case Report and Review of Literature. Cureus. 2016 May 8;8(5):e603. doi: 10.7759/cureus.603. PMID: 27330871
- 14-Dolati P, Eichberg D, Golby A, Zamani A, Laws E. Multimodal Navigation in Endoscopic Transsphenoidal Resection of Pituitary Tumors Using Image-Based Vascular and Cranial Nerve Segmentation: A Prospective Validation Study. World Neurosurg. 2016 Nov; 95:406-413. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2016.06.008. PMID: 27302558.
- 15-Dolati P, Gokoglu A, Eichberg D, Zamani A, Golby A, Al-Mefty O. Multimodal navigated skull base tumor resection using image-based vascular and cranial nerve segmentation: A prospective pilot study. Surg Neurol Int. 2015 Nov 19;6:172. doi: 10.4103/2152-7806.170023. PMID: 26674155.
- 16-Dolati P, Eichberg DG, Thomas A, Ogilvy CS. Application of Pipeline Embolization Device for Iatrogenic Pseudoaneurysms of the Extracranial Vertebral Artery: A Case Report and Systematic Review of the Literature. Cureus. 2015 Oct 19;7(10):e356. doi: 10.7759/cureus.356. PMID: 26623211
- 17-Adeeb N1, Griessenauer CJ1, Patel AS1, Moore J1, Dolati-Ardejani P1, Gupta R1, Motiei-Langroudi R1, Ogilvy CS1, Thomas AJ2. Reliability of dual- vs single-volume reconstruction of three-dimensional digital subtraction angiography for follow-up evaluation of endovascularly treated intracranial aneurysms. Interv Neuroradiol. 2016 Dec;22(6):687-692. Epub 2016 Aug 16.
- 18-Dasenbrock HH1, See AP2, Smalley RJ2, Bi WL2, Dolati P2, Frerichs KU2, Golby AJ2, Chiocca EA2, Aziz-Sultan MA2.Frameless Stereotactic Navigation during Insular Glioma Resection using Fusion of Three-Dimensional Rotational Angiography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Technical Note. World Neurosurg. 2019 Mar 18. pii: S1878-8750(19)30764-8. doi: 10.1016/j.
- 19-Sadeghian H, Raeisi MA, Dolati P, Motiei-Langroudi R Brain Computed Tomography Angiography as an Ancillary Test in the Confirmation of Brain Death. Cureus. 2017 Jul 19;9(7):e1491. doi: 10.7759/cureus.1491.
- 20-Aneurysms of the external carotid artery and its branch vessels: pooled data analysis and current treatment strategies. Dolati P, Eichberg D, Thomas A, Ogilvy C. J Neurosurg Sci. 2020 Feb; 64(1):84-96. doi: 10.23736/S0390-5616.16.03491-3. Epub 2015 Sep 25. PMID: 26407044